Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
really? so a person with a rap sheet of theft and burglary of middle income homes isn't hating on the middle income families right? It's just not more likely to be repeated. 
Why would rational actors engage in burglary? Because either jobs are too scarce or jobs available are less efficient than burglary. It's an economic issue, not a "hate" issue. The situation can be rectified with stern punishment and providing an economic environment where burglary simply isn't the most efficient method of income. You can reduce recidivism for burglars (that don't suffer from kleptomania, which would need clinical treatment) significantly with the right economic conditions.
What can be done, economically, to make homosexuals less offensive to fundamentalist religious zealots? Nothing. The only way to deal with this is to make the punishment for the crime so great that it will dissuade the bigot from engaging in illegal activity motivated by their hatred.
It truly is simple.