My "review" so far is just a stream of disjointed opinions right now.
Basically to address it in 2 halves.
I HAVE THE PC VERSION. Keep that in mind.
Because of the lack of dedicated servers and it's 3rd party inclusion of Gamespy instead of, you know, JUST USING STEAM it's basically a P2P mess. like p2p was before they used UPNP.... expect to take a crash course on home networking if you don't know how to set up port forwarding. otherwise, be content to play by yourself, on a LAN, or join someone else game who did all of the hoop jumping.
It "Feels" like a console port when you're in the menus.
which in of itself is kind of a cluster fuck. There are some places I can click TO but not out of, forcing me to hit escape.
there is no AA or Vsync options native to the config menu of the game, lots of complaints on the matter on official forums for the graphically anal
forcibly made to sit through each and every company logo movie
2k games
gearbox studios
intro movie (this you can hit escape on)
Blink video
Gamespy logo
and FINALLY you get to the screen where you can start a game.
however, if you want to make a new character/class you get to sit through the entire bus ride intro and tutorial again.basically making the 1st 5 levels suck for every character after the 1st.
take my complaints lightly though, I forsee most of this stuff being patched up and or modded by the developers or the community in some way (i know there are already ways to skip the intro and force vsync, for example)
the actual game is pretty stagnant for the 1st 10 levels or so, as you get familiarized with 2 types of creatures. "Skags" and "Bandits"
Skags are little fleshy dog things that just like to puke up loot
Bandits are humanoids of various types (including midgets with oversized heads, my snipers dream date)
you can get to level 10 in probably about 2 hours.
after that you should be familiar with the compass, switching your objective tracker, and vending machines.
I'm level 27 now on my sniper, me and my roommate have been playing a lot for the last couple of days
There are a large variety of different types for the basic races of enemies though.
I mean you start with a "Skag" but later on you may encounter "Badass Corrosive Skag" or something.
Much like WoW, "Badass" = "Elite"
Corrosive means that getting hit will apply an acidic type debuff to you, increasing each subsequent hit to you from that skag, etc...
Me? I like to tell my roommate to go piss them off while I go find a good place to hide.
Skags like to roar to try and scare you or something, but all that does is insure that I'm about to get a critical hit on a skag.
Nothing like a big bad scary monster roaring at you, punctuated by yours truely, silence, the end.
This game gets a lot of crap for it's AI, but I think they get a little more intelligent as you go. They tend to work better in packs, I couldn't imagine trying to defeat a good individual AI in a pack when they usually have enough firepower to 2 shot you anyway.
They do things like take cover, juke, throw grenades, etc.. basic stuff.
bosses are ridiculously harder anyway, when it takes 2 of us a 10 minutes to down some bosses that can 2 shot you, you don't want them to be any smarter.
I'm at the point now that it gets downright starship troopers in the game now. Things bursting from the ground and abushing us, no weakness or crit vulnerability in the front, requiring me to snipe them in the butt to get crits for example. Not something I'd imagine being too easy to do solo, since they'd have no reason to point thier butts at me ;p
Personally I like the game, I think it has great potential with just one patch to fix a lot of the weird "console" heebie jeebies.