I quit!
So I took the leap and quit my job to start my own business. I'll be working as a marketing consultant. It's something I've been doing on the side for years, but now it's all I have. Given the economy, there is a part of me that tells me that I'm insane to let go of a steady check but though the pay won't be as regular, it should be higher overall.
Unfortunately money wasn't the driving force behind me leaving my job. It was a horrible work environment! The infighting and politics were the worst I have ever seen. And that's saying a lot, since I have worked for some terrible people in my life.
After I decided to quit my wife told me that she was happy I was leaving there since I would come home every day irritated and stressed. She had been hoping I would quit but wanted me to make the decision on my own. At first I would tell her what was going on at work, but as time went on I stopped telling her everything. By the time I got home at night all I wanted was to put the day behind me and never have to think about it again. I'm not sure which was harder on her, the stories or the silence. Either way I felt like I wasn't being a good husband to her.
Today was my first day working on my own and it feels great. So far I've secured enough work to carry us through December. Tomorrow I'll hit more of the companies on my list and hope to pick up a bunch more work. Right now the feeling of relief and of promise is incredible. It feels like blue skies in spring, (yea, I know how cheesy that sounds) I can't put the feeling into words, it's just awesome.
I guess that's my "freedom story". So share yours, what have you done to get out of a bad situation? At what point in your life did things just feel right and full of promise?