Originally Posted by Plan9
Hey, thanks just spilling the beans on male operational secrets for desperate yuppie heterosexual relationships, Jazz.
Now that they know that there ARE lies involved, we're basically like an encircled General Custer: totally fucked.
There you go acting like you'll ever qualify for yuppie-hood, Plan9. These are tips for those working under a set of rules that differs from [grunt] [scratch smooth spot] Hey baby! [burp] Hey baby! [scratch smooth spot] Git me a anutter beer, willya! [smooth spot is itchy] [pick toes] Thanks, sweetcheeks! [administer smack on ass] [burp]
Tactically, I like to think of this as more of a Kutuzov strategy.
donmaytee, who the hell cares what I think. As Plan9 pointed out, I'm just some asshole on the internet. Who am I to tell you how to run your life? I don't know her, I BARELY know you, so I'm not qualified to make this judgement. You decide how big or not big this is. I never had to face the challenges that lay ahead of you, so I have no earthly idea what I'd do.
Except mock Plan9. That I would definitely do.