Originally Posted by Ce'Nedra
Nope, my husband and I are both pretty traditional. He surprised me New Years Eve, two days before he was deployed to Iraq.
I was kind of hoping he would consider joint last names or something, because I adore my maiden name and all the family history behind it, and his is just so bleh and history-less. But the one time I brought it up he was absolutely crushed, so I figured I could live with it. Not to hijack the post, but did anyone keep their name or hyphenate or anything?
I kept my last name when I got married. Partly because my nickname (Lindy) is based on my family name, not my first name. I was hoping that the whole hyphenated name thing had run its course. Especially when the kids get the hyphenated name.
Think of the possibilities for the next generation. What happens when Meagan Hayakawa-Rostropovich (her legal name) marries Brandon MacDougal-Hugewitz?? Does she become Meagan Hayakawa-Rostropovich-MacDougal-Hugewitz?