There is nothing wrong with you. What you are doing falls loosely into fantasy. Fantasies are free, and hurt no one, unless acted on. If, on the other hand, this becomes a full time obsession, to the exclusion of her, then you have a problem. I wouldn't tell her at this point.
The other thing, as noted here, is that you and she are VERY young. While I wish you all the best, and commend your intention to stay with your girlfriend and support her and your child and make a family life together, you face a very hard, tough road. It can be done, but it will take a lot of hard work, and a LOT of communication (which can be the hardest thing to do). Talk to her, tell her of your frustrations sexually certainly, but I really don't think any good is likely to come of telling her about your sex chats. Just make sure you keep talking.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.