Firing rockets into a country with the sole intent to maim and kill is horrific in the least.
Punishing a society with an army that could take out the whole of Europe knowing it is their only chance to get away with it while Bush is in the White House is equally horrific.
Firing rockets to kill innocents because they should be wiped off the map is embarrassing and shameful.
Punishing a society then refusing to take responsibility for it and then relating insult and offence to being accused of wrong doing is embarrasing and shameful.
Killing 13 people with rockets is 13 too many
Killing 1300 people with advanced military technology is 1300 too many
Killing people with rockets is a crime against humanity
Killing people with airships, bulldozers, tanks, guns, etc is a crime against humanity
For both sides,...thinking the world constantly revolves around themselves is arrogant, ignorant and infantile.
For both sides,... the apparent lack of intelligence regarding this conflict is overwhelming beyond proportion. No words can describe their lack of sensibility.
War crimes? Yes both sides have committed them and will commit them for times to come.
Is peace a possibillity between these two sides? Yes. But only when all funding(foreign aid) is cut off to both parties, all media(daily,...yawn) ceases and the when the world collectively forgets about the trials and tribulations of the Israeli's and Arabs.
Then they will either kill each other or wake up realizing no one gives a shit, and find peace.
Simplistic yes. Realistic no