I can tell you what's wrong with it.
If you pull off the hood and start taking apart the back, you will find gobs upon gobs of lint shoved in all sorts of areas where lint shouldn't be. Not only compacted in the vents but crammed inside all the nooks and crannies and layered like sheets all over, preventing the dryer from cooling properly. Also prevents your clothes from drying like they should - they just get hot. It's like lint insulation. I learned about this the hard way after getting 2nd degree burns on my fingertips. When we got back from the hospital, my neighbor took apart the dryer and we must have ended with a solid pound of lint. I bought this dryer used though, so not only was it my lint but the previous owner's as well. The dryer was about 7 years old att.
So in the end, I will never ever leave this house with the dryer running. That bitch was H O T.