Originally Posted by dlish
not to rain on anyone's parade, but is it a question of money or is this really a charitable action? Because if its about money and this is being done in order to only save money, then the charitable action loses its meaning.
Don't be ridiculous. You can be charitable and save money. They're not mutually exclusive, Dlish.
Yeah, I'm donating my body to science. I don't believe in funerals, burial, or any of that superstitious bullshit.
I also don't believe that I should work my whole life to pay for a retirement home and a fancy Tupperware for my corpse.
Our current life-to-death system leaves little room to accumulate wealth in a family. Fight the system: don't buy into it.
We'll see how that works out for me in the end. There isn't a lot of dignity left in modern life... but there can be in death.
It's either that or the steak-robe+baseball-bat-on-Grizzly thing I talked about in the other thread. Yessir.