These are all great suggestions and I urge you to give them a try. It sounds like you are at that point where it will make a difference.
I am not attempting to make you feel badly about who you are, but you have realized that you behave in a way that shames yourself when you have been drinking. I suggest for you to take the time for one exercise. You may want to sit down with your girlfriend and work on this together, she will become a part of this healing process. She certainly may want to look for the same support alongside you to understand your condition, and to feel better about herself.
Take a piece of paper, or your computer even. Write down all of what you seek to change in yourself. All of those reasons you have identified to not drink anymore. Write down what a jerk you may be when you are drinking. There may be more to it than you realize if you work on this with friends and loved ones and I suggest that to you. Print, copy etc. Put it in the case of whatever band gear you have, put a copy in your wallet, post it on your fridge, laminate it into a little card if you have to. Think about these things any time you consider drinking. Consider how much better you are without it.. you may feel like a piece of junk human being after drinking and realizing the pain you have caused but I am guessing you are probably a decent guy!
You can do it, and you should be proud of yourself for taking the first steps.
I am only a little spoon in a huge world of soup.