Originally Posted by LordEden
There is a scene in a movie, I can not remember the title of it to save my life, that a character holds up various symbols of faith in front of a vampire/demon til one worked. It all stuck me as funny and wondered if you could just mount every major religious symbol on a staff and wave it at anything that came along. Like a Staff of Holy +3 or something.
Personally, I think it's a faith/holy thing. If the person wielding the symbol believes it is a focal point for all things good, then all things evil must be repelled against it. If a vampire is pure evil of the most unholy kind, then anything that represents a holy object or god must work against it. Evil is evil and holy is holy.
I think the scene your talking about was in "The Mummy" with brendan frasier. When imutep first came back to life, Frasiers turncoat side kick benny was there and he held upa christian cross, star of david, and so on.