Tophat, buddy...I know you're a fishy guy, but do you know anything about turtles that might help me?
Our red-eared slider, who we got when she was a about 3" L. and is now over 10" L., and in the past has always been active, aggressive, and an eating machine, has not been eating for a couple months. In past years, she typically went into a low hibernation kinda thing during winter months and then started devouring everything again in spring and summer, etc. But this year she seems to be lingering in the hibernation mode; in the meantime she's also layed a few eggs. I was hoping when she was done laying eggs she'd get back to eating before this coming winter's hibernation, but so far that isn't happening. I'm getting tempted to take her to a vet who knows about such critters but haven't done that yet.
while turtles are relatively slow, I posted some high speed nonsense here: