What is this thread from a year ago doing up again? I thought we put this to rest.
In re the OP:
One must try their best to accept another person to be who they are, when they are, what they are, how they are, and why they are. Just like you accept yourself for you are, someone with good taste, and judgement. Just the good taste might suffice.
In re ring:
Is it that you came across it and felt it needed a resounding repeat, Ring? That is so good.
Is it that you came across it and felt a need to give mixedmedia a pat on her back? Me, too. I like her think.
Is it that you came across a big bad wolfe who judged you and hurt your feelings? Just never mind a person like that.
Is it that your ear came across something painful being said to someone else? Sit down and cry for the world. I dont know what to do.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons...be cheerful; strive for happiness - Desiderata
Last edited by girldetective; 10-20-2009 at 09:36 PM..
Reason: all kinds of stuff