Originally Posted by Tully Mars
As for stating medical MJ is just a way around the law for people to get high that's a pretty broad brush stroke. Sure that happens, but many people with cancer and other medical conditions use MJ for pain, muscle relaxation and help eating and or hold down food.
Broad? Sure. And how many of the
X million pot users in the US have these conditions? 3%? Less?
Please. Let's be realistic here. Recreational use is mondo far beyond medicinal use. Just be honest.
Stats are cute, conditions are fine... but the reality of the situation is that it's about happy funtime.
For me, that's the biggest obstacle that potheads face. It's about presentation of their case.
They're trying to legitimize their activity with all the wrong bullet points and they're not fooling anybody.
Originally Posted by Martian
Of course law enforcement doesn't want marijuana legalized. If it was legal, who would pay for their attack helicopters and fancy assault weapons and so on?
Yeah, the militarization of the US police force over the last ~30 years is another huge problem. The escalation of force issues related to the "War on Drugs" and the nature of the most violent first world nation on this island earth has created a whole 'nother monster. That's another thread, though.
Decriminalization would be positive for all parties involved, despite the initial acclimation pains. I'm a Johnny Law type and I'm for it.
It would really take a huge load off LE and really step on the dick of all the importers, dealers, and other "entrepreneur" scumbags.