I take an interferon as treatment for my Multiple Sclerosis and one of the side effects is "depression," specifically suicidal thoughts. I have been through my fair share of terrible life events that would cause anyone to crawl into a dark hole and cry, but I would never say I was depressed. The interferon DEFINITELY caused some "mental" side effects. I was terribly bitchy ALL the time, which is far from my shining personality. I also had suicidal thoughts. My neurologist said I was probably depressed as depression manifests in all sorts of ways...even extreme bitchiness. (That was the medical term he used.) He wanted me to take something for it. I took the prescription, but never took it to the pharmacy.
I already take enough drugs as it is, I didn't want to add one more to the list. So I'm just dealing with it on my own. When I want to punch someone in the eye...or if I feel like I want to kill myself, i just tell myself it's the betaseron talking and I take a step back. The extreme bitchiness and suicidal thought have been very mild because of that approach.
Attack ZombieSquirrels
Originally Posted by Plan9
She probably tastes like cheap beer and smells like a jockstrap.