Originally Posted by trikeaband.com
I have to stop drinking. I realize this will be extremely hard but I have to. Thing is, I'm not an alcoholic in the sense that I don't drink every day... usually just on the weekends, but the problem is this: I drink to excess, to the point where I get blackouts and I become somebody I don't like.
Alcoholism isn't just drinking to excess... it's the inappropriate use of alcohol when you do drink. There are MANY, MANY weekend or part-time alcoholics. It's the old excuse "I'm only a drunk when I drink!"
Originally Posted by trikeaband.com
I have a GF but when I get drunk I mess around with other girls and I don't treat her well. That has happened countless times. Yet when I'm not drunk I treat her well. I also get blackouts which suck because I don't remember anything the next day. That happens almost every time I drink/ get drunk now.
Two things here... your self-destructive behaviour
IS going to cost you your girlfriend, and many future relationships if you don't get help. Soon. Secondly, the blackouts are a very serious indication that you need to do something. NOW.
Originally Posted by trikeaband.com
And I know I'll be judged because the handful of times I have attempted this in the past I have. A friend whom I quite like didn't wanna hang out with me because he wanted to get pissed and silly. That made me a bit sad, but what am I to do?
Get to AA. It is the most non-judgmental organisation you will ever find. EVERYONE there has your problem, has lived through what you're going through (and probably worse), and wants 1) to control their disease; and 2) support the others going through this. And that guy wasn't really your friend... he was your drinking buddy. Avoid them.
Originally Posted by trikeaband.com
And before you say, "why not just be a social drinker? just have one or two?" ... because I won't want "just" one or two. It'll become more and more... I am the sort that needs total abstinence... because I'm an extremist.
You definitely have a handle on this aspect. As an alcoholic, I can tell you that cutting down won't work. Cutting off is easier than cutting down.
What you do need to do, if the drinking occasions are career-mandatory, is enlist some friends who will run interference for you and support you. Start with your girlfriend, confess you problem, and get her to watch out for you. Get a few others who will make sure you're sipping softdrinks, coffee/tea, or juices at these functions. You'd be surprised how common it is, and how unnoticeable it will be. Many of my colleagues and friends DON'T know I don't drink.
BTW... a better solution, at least in the short-term, is to avoid all together any social gatherings where drinking is the norm.
Finally... hang in there. Realising you have a problem is the first step. Seeking help and support is the second. Put your faith in whatever you need to get you through this (AA refers merely to a higher power). I never gave up drinking forever... just for today (27 years, 1 month, and 17 days ago, but who's counting, right?). I can joke about it now, but I know the demon is still lurking there, and I like my sobriety too much now to ever take that first drink.
Good luck, and know our thoughts are with you!