What plays into my pack-rat-ness is having too much space so I keep way too much stuff since it doesn't get in the way...usually. I got my "fun" car when it was totally factory stock, now it's got a lot of modified parts on it, but I saved ever part I've ever taken off even though I'll never use them again. I still have my note books from high school, that was over 40 years ago, as well as college note books, since I wanted to save my doodling on many of the pages. Clothes, shoes...I've kept way too many but lately have been bagging them up and giving them to local charities who use them; they're coming again next week for more since I'm cleaning out my closets (M&M's!) on the 3rd floor prior to renovating that area. I have about 5 old computers laying around, including my first one from 1984 my beloved NEC Powermate 286 10Mz/40meg HD beast. Old fixtures, both lighting and plumbing, that I've replaced over the last 35 years are still under my workbench in the basement. Old speakers...the boxes look like they could be rehabed with new drivers...that I'll never get. There's more I'm sure.