Toronto is the massage parlour mecca of North America (and Montreal)
They are licenced by the City. Here we simply make the distinction between body rub parlours (massage with sexual contact) and RMT (Registered massage - 95% no sexual contact) Massage palours seldom get busted unless the city has received complaints AND they are not licenced. If they are licenced, they are left alone.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the pay for sex hobby can be found here:
(Just get a USER ID and you'll figure out the rest.)
The top tier Massage Parlours are Allure, Hands from Heaven, SRM, Airport Golden Massage, and Platinum. They typically feature absolutely beautiful women who may or may not be good at what they do. (There in lies the challange and there in lie the beauty of TERB where you can do your research before spending your hard earned cash. Expect to drop $150.00 for 40 minutes on average for the body slide opetion (she's nude and slides up and down your body and if she's good will think of any numerous ways to make you cum. Think of it as the ultimate lap dance.)
Here are the links to the top tier MP in Toronto. (And no, they don't suck or fuck.)
(Think Robin or Jessica.)
Hands from Heaven
(Think Sasha, Sasha, and Sasha, oh, and Ashley and Claudia)
Airport Golden