I'm a math major. I do financial analysis for Fannie Mae. A lot of my fellow grads do programming, working at defense contractors like Norhtrup Grumman and such, a bunch are at NSA in math or cryptanalysis. A bunch are teaching high school. A few are in law school, a few in grad school in math. I'm told law schools like math majors, we tend to be good at the details associated with law.
Your biggest problem is that the job market just sucks right now. A few years ago, all the math majors I knew were getting nice jobs without much trouble. Now we're all struggling, along with most of the rest of the country. This may not be the time to graduate early, and I honestly don't think your choice of major should depend on when it allows you to get out of school. Math is not an easy subject, and if you aren't sure you want to do it, I wouldn't recommend it. Good luck though.