Originally Posted by GreyWolf
Beyond 30, I don't really consider 8 years to be an older/younger relationship. I was talking in terms of really big differences (10+ years). I've been involved with an older woman for over 25 years. And I'm mean enough to mention it whenever I can. She hasn't kicked me out or severely injured me yet for that (tried to poison me once, but she still claims that was an accident  ).
On the other hand, she'll be retiring a few years before I do 
I know eight years isn't really a colossal difference, more of an irritant to my future mother in law (although I think she's over it). It just seems that on the days when I feel old, for whatever reason, he looks deliciously young...and I think "why the hell does he want me...?" But he does...I'm one lucky girl!!!
So many positive replies...encouraging...especially Lucifer's.
On the other hand, I started over at 50. I may never get to retire.