Among adults, age should be immaterial. An adult is free to make his/her own decisions, and should be ready to live with the consequences. Anyone mature enough to be in an adult relationship should be free to choose their partners based on their own (and the partner's) wants and desires.
That being said, age doesn't just bring maturity... it also brings experience. And experience changes one, whether you want it to or not. I find it hard to relate to someone 30 years younger than myself in terms of interests and social desires. She would still be an adult, but I can't imagine finding a 25 yo who has the same interests and desires as myself. Their music is not my music. Their social activities are not my activities. Their friends are not my friends. They may well be my intellectual equals (or superiors), but they are simply at a different point in their lives. They are not my equals in life experience (for better or worse).
I think a woman my age would have the same difficulty. Certainly, the sexual attraction of youth is there. I love looking at gorgeous, sexy young women. I love to fantasize about them. But in reality, that's it. As Rod Stewart says "The attraction was purely physical."
In the rare event that an older person finds a younger person with the same goals, wants, and desires, I think they can have a very good relationship. Can it endure? I have my doubts. The older person has arrived at a point through a lifetime of experience. The younger is there, but without the benefit of that experience. As they experience new things together, the likelihood that they will continue to grow in the same direction is, in my opinion, unlikely.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.