Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
No. The Yen is undervalued. They haven't had their currency revalued in ages because they are still considered a third world nation. They are launching satellites and are third world? Yeah, the UN is a grand operation.
you do know that there is no natural measure of a nation's currency, right? And that a currency value is only determined in relation to other goods and currencies, right? So that saying that X is undervalued is the same as saying that Y is overvalued?
And I don't know how you think the world works, but this whole "They haven't had their currency revalued in ages because they are still considered a third world nation" is nonsense. There are no distinctions between "third world nations" and "first world nations," and the central bank of each nation basically determines their exchange regime and a sustainable exchange rate. Some will let it float, some will peg it, but it is still determined in the open market, with none or some central bank intervention. And the UN has
absolutely nothing to do with exchange rates, so that is more uninformed foolishness.
Finally, I would love to know why you value all these distinctions between m1, m2 and so on and if its anything other than just throwing nonsense out there to see what sticks. In any case, another swing and a miss. M2 has increased by about 120 billion under Obama, so the "trillions" thing is still false.