Originally Posted by Wakazashi
Welcome to the male multiple orgasm club. It's rare, but can be learned. Key point: exercise your muscles that allow you to stop peeing. works for men as well as women only we get an added advantage. You'll find if you get good enough you can orgasm regardless of whether or not cum comes out. (horrible phrase I know) There are plenty more tips online research it.
By the way, you can go waaay past 3, 4, or 5 orgasms.
I would also say that holding your breath to build up to climax is important as well. It's a simple thing to try. Just take a deep breath when you feel like you are close to climaxing the first time to see what it feels like.
The other thing is that you need to find what needs to be simulated to trigger an orgasm in the first place, and if there are other ways to get an orgasm. If you find a way that doesn't get really sensitive after one, then you can keep going a few seconds afterwards. An even if it is sensitive, you may have to practice to see if you can wait a few seconds and keep it stimulated enough to keep it up until the sensitivity goes away.