The way I see it is this:
Republicans want insurance companies to have private insurance companies limit how much care you get based on your net worth and the plan you have. You only have a certain annual limit on how much the insurance company will pay.
The new fiscal conservative/Libertarians wouldn't want to pay for keeping other people alive. If you have the money, you can pay for the best care available. They just like scaring the public away from socialized health care, either because they think people should be responsible for themselves, or they have a vested economic interest in the current system.
The democrats/socialists would have to raise taxes or print more money to provide life extending care. Or they would have to limit benefits that a public plan could provide. They could institute policies to help keep people healthy, but there are some who don't want the government to 'control' what companies put in food, in the air, or what people do in their lives.
The moral religious right would want to help the sick and dying, but there are some people who won't get better and just get kept alive by machines.
While this is a big expense in the health care industry, I think they need to focus on reform for 18-64 year olds.
Last edited by ASU2003; 10-16-2009 at 10:12 AM..