Where do you shop for dog food? If you're only buying at the grocery store or Petsmart, you need healthier food. Look into foods that don't use by-products or wheat. Expect some sticker shock, though. Decent dog food starts at around $40 for a 35 lb bag. We pay $55 for 35 lbs for our two dogs (19 days worth) , and we're still at the low end of the spectrum at our pet food store.
Also, sometimes diseases have a variety of symptoms that are sometimes overlooked by vets. I don't know what part of the country (or world) you live in, but here in the Southwest, Valley Fever is a very serious disease that many dogs get that can manifest itself in a variety of different symptoms. Also, Lyme disease from ticks can have different symptoms in different animals.
Another thought - because the allergy seems to be on the paws, and your dog seems to dislike going outside - do you have your yard sprayed regularly for pests? Perhaps it's a reaction to pesticides. That happened to a friend of mine's golden retriever. As soon as they discontinued their monthly pest control treatments, the dog got better. The yard didn't look as nice, but that was fine with them.
I can identify with the financial aspect of vet visits - I've been unemployed for 11 months now - but having a pet is a responsibility, and as a long-time pet owner, I'd say suck it up and have the allergy tests done if none of the above advice helps. One sacrifice we have refused to make because of unemployment is our dogs' care. I may have to eat ramen twice a week, but my dogs don't.
If you want to avoid 95% of internet spelling errors:
"If your ridiculous pants are too loose, you're definitely going to lose them. Tell your two loser friends over there that they're going to lose theirs, too."
It won't hurt your fashion sense, either.