I nominate The_Dunedan. If he lives by the standard he holds other people to, anyway.
Well, I don't own stock in genocidally-inclined South American petrochemical concerns, so I suppose I'm off to a good start. However, I've got a lot of catching up to do if I'm gonna compete with Ghandi. You'll notice that my standards are actually fairly low, to wit;
1: Don't start wars.
1a: If you inherit a war, STOP the bloody thing.
2: Don't rape, rob, or assault people. If you inherit rapine, robbery, and assault, STOP IT. If you cannot stop it, DIVEST yourself. Really, this isn't hard, it's like not buying Fuji-brand film or only eating dolphin-free tuna.
2a: If someone is raping, robbing, or assaulting you, STOP them.
3: Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
These are actually pretty damned easy standards to live up to, contrary to your snide rejoinder. My morals are simple and easy to live with, and basically come back to a very wise saying from Meimonedes (I believe): "Whatever is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole of the Torah. The rest is elaboration."
But give me a fucking break with trying to equate that to kissinger.
Give you a fucking break!? Give YOU a fucking break? Give the Indians a fucking break, they're the dead/dispossessed ones. To them, I'm sure the question of whether Gore is "as bad" as Kissinger is 103% moot. The point, for them, is their dead relatives and denuded, chemically-wasted homelands. Sounds awfully Cambodian to me.