My son is almost ten and there's at least one point in a week where he amazes me with how much he knows about sex or puberty. No matter what, I know he's going to hear the playground chatter. So, when he asks me a question, I'm honest with him. If he doesn't get the answer from me, he may see if a friend knows, and that might not turn out to be the right answer. Don't get me wrong. I don't go deep into details, but I do tell him what he wants to know. If he uses a word in his question that would not be appropriate for him to say at school, I make sure to answer his question and then tell him the certain word is inappropriate for someone his age to use and that he would get in trouble next time he uses it.
I really haven't had any issues as of yet. I'm a firm believer in honesty and keeping our relationship open to where he can ask me those questions. Ask me again in a couple of years though...