Originally Posted by Derwood
how boot-strappy of you.
now do the math: how many minimum wage workers does each McDonald's have compared to asst. managers?
There are actually some jobs in between and higher level jobs, an actual career path. Some people actually get an offer to go to Hamburger U.
McDaonald's has about 30,000 restaurants worldwide. Each restaurant may employee 50 or more people, some part-time
it's the myth of upward mobility; in the conservative, pro-business mindset, EVERYONE has the opportunity to move limitlessly upward until they own their own business or become a CEO. it's just not true. your anecdotal evidence doesn't change that
Stop changing the words. "limitlessly"?!? People have limits, but in order to know their limits, they need opportunity. No one who starts at the lowest wage will stay at the lowest wage if they have any skills at all.
---------- Post added at 11:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Perhaps because this thread is about Obama's performance so far.
But of course, you took it off on a tangent again...as you do with nearly every discussion.
My post was in reference to unemployment, which is a current issue and a current concern. This is related directly to how people will measure Obama's performance. Bush can no longer have a significant impact on policy and legislative issues. But you know that, seems you just can't get Bush off of your mind.