Originally Posted by inBOIL
Nothing, unless I could overcome the difficulty of imparting infinite acceleration to the matter around me.
Exactly! The first problem would be overcoming the infinite inertia of the air molecules around me. Even if I could figure out a way to slip between them, their infinite friction would set my clothes on fire. Of course, they couldn't burn properly once the flames get outside my personal bubble of moving time....
Unless perhaps the watch just
slows time down a whole lot. If time is slowed down by a factor of, say, 10,000, then the air feels like mud, rather than ice, and it only takes a great deal of energy to move anything. And of course every ambient noise's frequency is dropped into the subsonic, while my voice sounds like an impossibly high squeak to those still standing around in slow time. Oh, and all the light around me is red-shifted, probably below the visible spectrum. So it'll be pretty dark...
But this is Tilted Nonsense, so I'll just answer: Women's locker room.