I've had these kinds of thoughts before and written things that are similar. Doesn't mean your schiz, not saying your def not, but there would be other symptoms too.
For me becoming more social helped moderate this line of thinking and just becoming more comfortable with myself. It seems your someone frustrated by human nature, which hey most of us are. I learned to accept that people are not what they ought to be, and even though being ethically sound is more emotionally challenging it simply is who I am and I can't change that. The way you see the world can also be an enormous strength. I've found solace in laughing at the naivety of people instead of being angry/conflicted about it. Be patient and reward yourself everyday.
Therapy/seeing a psychiatrist for an opinion wouldn't be a terrible idea to help you clear it up a little bit. The problem isn't the thoughts really, its the madness they bring to you.