Originally Posted by filtherton
Seriously, MM. I'm just waiting for someone to say that they didn't find the skit offensive without adding on some sort of contrived analysis implying some deficiency in those who did find it offensive.
Well, I did say I didn't find it funny in the OP and I don't find it racist. There is still huge underlying racism in Oz, some at Asian, some at the native Aborigines and some at pretty much anyone not white. I'm amazed at some comments I hear that are cringe worthy in general day to day life and wonder whether the people saying them realise how racist they sound.
I suspect Dlish could give us a better insight into growing up in Oz as part of a minority, and I can't really - I'm a white Aussie after all.
In any case, I can't see any benefit in telling comedians/satirists what they can do comedy about. This is the thin edge of the wedge and would stifle the creativity of these people. Sure, some people will be offended, but I'd rather have comedy with all the warts than to have comedy within strict boundaries.
In answer to the types of acts on this show usually - firstly, this show is part of a couple of reunion 'specials' and prior to this, there hasn't been an episode of Hey Hey Its Saturday since 1999. This segment (Red Faces) is a 'talent spotting' segment and ranges from comedy to singing to dancing to whatever. There have been blackface acts but I'd say (from memory) that they are in the minority.
---------- Post added at 10:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages
They're all doctors...
Lead performer in the Jackson Jive skit, Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Anand Deva, said he was genuinely horrified at the reaction the sketch received.
But he was quick to point out the multi-cultural nature of group.
"Out of the six of us, only one is Anglo-Celtic Australian. I’m Sri Lankan-Australian, there’s an Indian Australian, a Greek Australian, an Irish-Italian Australian and a Lebanese Australian. We’re all Australian," he wrote on website The Punch.
Kamahl hits back at Hey Hey
Yep, Doctors and just about all from 'minorities'. Still, doesn't make it any funnier