Update time. Fewer pictures now that I'm mostly re-painting stuff I've done earlier. We are nailing down the Key West portfolio. Here are some from the last couple weekends.
Dianne continues to practice. It's going to be very different this year because I'll be painted many days as well.
This one frustrates me to no end. The next (and final!) time I practice this I am going to delete the hole + laces effect completely. I just can't make it look like I want it to look.
My Pants Rocket.
Pants Rocket v2
Which brings us to today. Today I am playing with lace and this was the first result.
Our neighbor Michelle stopped by early this afternoon to give Dianne a break from modeling.
Black base with white lace later painted blue. The lavender paint in the chest area was a failed experiment. Wouldn't do that again.
White base with blue lace and the white later painted gold.
Both white and black base work well. Both use a lot of paint but go on really fast. These took about 1/2 hour each. At Fantasy Fest I'll be painting the back also so add another 10 minutes and that's a fast paint job.
Any opinions on the color combos for the lace, particularly the white versus black base are welcomed.