Hey All,
So I have two ARs coming in, a M1A, an AK, a shotty and a couple of pistols. I recently realized that I do not have a full sized service pistol in a common caliber (i.e. a 9mm). My first pistol, a 9mm M92FS was taken back by my dad (Dad: "Aha! I see your nice 1911, and will take back the M92 I gave u for ur 16th birthday!"

). I also gave my dad my full sized 1911, so now I only have on hand two pistols. One lightweight, commander sized 1911 for CCW, and a S&W 1006 that's a brick (and apparently broken, according to Crompsin).
Not long ago, I toyed around the idea of a plain jane Glock 17. Good, reliable service pistol, in a common caliber. But Today, I came across a pretty nice S&W M&P9 on Aim surplus for $569 (night sights!

When my brother was buying his CCW piece, I toyed around with a M&P40 compact, and really enjoyed the trigger. However, I have never fired a M&P.
Thus my question to the local TFP Gun Experts are:
1.) Good full size pistol that's dead nuts reliable in a common caliber. The lighter weight the better. What's a good gun?
2.) I know I am slightly biased towards S&W (they've got a great rep and a lifetime warranty), but has anyone handled the M&P and what were their thoughts?
3.) Any other suggestions, reccomendations? Should I stick with .45ACP, of which I have a lot of ammo stored?
4.) Trigger. Striker fired is fine with me. I like SA, but most prefer SA/DA.
Favorite 9mm guns.....GO!
ETA: Aim Surplus has some *REALLY* good deals on ammo right now.