I got a hold of some Yogi tea - found a shop not too far from me that carries it...
Green Tea Energy - Yum.
Kava Stress Relief - Barf. It would be good w/out the Licorice. However I did wake up on my couch at 5AM, so it did it's job I guess lol.
I also got the Moon one for women, Peach Detox and the Kava one came in a Sampler, so there's 3 others to try in there.
So yeah, got me some Yogi.
---------- Post added at 01:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
BTW, Yogi makes an excellent cocoa spice tea.
Oh dammit I forgot about this post. I eyed the tea even but decided against it.
Next time.