Originally Posted by Grancey
Maybe it's different here in the Southern U.S., or maybe it's just us. When Red and I are in a lot of traffic the driver drives and the passenger does the waving to acknowledge a courtesy from another driver. Gender of the driver or passenger usually doesn't make a difference. I don't care what the gender of the driver is, when another driver on the road offers a courtesy, a thank-you wave is offered back. The same goes for Red, I think, if he is the passenger with a male driver. Good question, though.
Might just be you guys. I live in the southern US, and it seems kind of bad form for one of us (when we're a passenger) to hand out the acknowledgment and thank-you waves. What if the driver was actually miffed by something someone did, and here I am telling said douche driver, "hey, thanks!" Seems like it would be pretty rude on the passenger's part, actually.
As far as gender goes, I wave to both sexes. But with the women, if they wave back, I expect them not to be upset when I follow them home and make wildly inappropriate advances.