I do see the trend with DLC. When Fallout 3, a single player game, came with Games for Windows Live, I was very confused. It's purely a profit tool to coax people to buying new content on impulse. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising came out lacking critical features for the PC, yet they already have monthly DLC planned out. Hmm, I wonder if bug fixes or DLC content will be the priority. Although it's in a different class, being an MMO, Age of Conan came out with large parts of the world mostly empty to the disappointment of power levelers and explorers. Although, people were paying a monthly fee already. Sadly, game companies can get away with murder, still receive good reviews, and not have to worry about your complaints because you're just another number.
The interesting thing is DLC works really well on the console, but PC gamers are known to be stingy. If they don't deliver on the original game, not many people will buy the DLC. They can promise us new features, but they will be more obligated to fix bugs before asking us to buy more content.
In reality, however, the console market has eclipsed the PC, so we are easily ignored. Most games are sold on hype, and the consumers that we are, we are always ready to bite for the next new thing.