Originally Posted by rahl
Ace you have a singular gift for ignoring medical fact, or just plain old facts in general.
I am gifted in many ways.
It is astounding that you could possibly disagree with absolute scientificly backed evidence.
Occasionally I actually give stuff some real thought. For example the idea that sex drive peaks at 18 and that it is correlated to testosterone as you suggest.
I will share what I thought:
Let's say you have a 40 year old man:
Over weight
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Enlarged prostate
Borderline diabetic
Drinks to much alcohol
Sleeps to little
Drinks too much caffeine
Doesn't get enough fiber
Can't walk up 5 flights of stairs
Can't do 10 push ups
Works to much at a job he hates
Married to a woman he is no longer attracted to
wears underwear that is too tight
believes he will go to hell if he even looks at a woman he thinks is sexy
and believes he peaked at 18.
And you think his sex drive is not what it was when he was 18 because of his testosterone level????
There ain't no study in the world that can control for all of that and give you the "fact" based conclusion you think you came to.
But whatever, you clearly are either refusing to believe in medical fact, or you do believe it but just enjoy arguing.
Don't take my word for it, ask a knowledgeable person you trust.