I don't differentiate between mental illness and an abnormal physical condition. In both situations there's something wrong with the machine. Ya...some people will see you as weaker if they know you have issues, but the reality of having to deal with them, I think, is empowering. Unless, of course, you give up on yourself. I've lived with low self esteem for over half a century. I don't take drugs for it, I don't see a counselor, I don't think people who do are weak...they are making an effort to make things right for themselves. Hey, whatever works for you is great. I have bad days that follow on the heals of awesome days...wtf? I have a good cry, give my head a shake, take a look at how much better my life is than others around me, and get over the pity party. Yes...it keeps happening, but the bad times make the good times so much better!