Originally Posted by Daniel_
getting up while it's still dark really badly plays with my mood...
This is so common, yet with me it's the complete opposite. I get sad when waking up and it's sunny. Miserable even. But once the sun goes down, it's like a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders. I can then relax. I know I'll get no unexpected visitors, no phone calls, I don't have to go anywhere, etc. Me-time lol. I believe the pros call this 'isolation.' :/
Thank you for posting
Originally Posted by MrFriendly
Hello darkness my old friend...
I think the biggest catch 22 in my life has been drugs. Weed especially. I think the years of punishment I dished out to my body and mind with booze and drugs is a big factor in why my dark side rears its ugly head. But shit, that phase in my life played such a major role in making me me. In a good way too. The experiences I had during that time in my life are some of my fondest. But a price was paid for it, and that price made me wiser. However, I was oh so lucky.
I think I know what you're saying here. I spent my worst years addicted during my early-mid 20's. SUCH developmental years for any young adult. I did horrible things. Things I wouldn't dream of doing today. Things that I couldn't get away with today if I tried, simply because I'm not the young, solid, vibrant bombshell I was back then. It was during these years when I really practiced the art of manipulation. I'm still a pro if I choose to tap into it.
I also feel it was this period that instilled in me an artificial charm many mistake for sincerity irl. Then there's my callous sense of humor. You either 'get me' or you don't. As long as I'm entertained, I usually don't care what anyone thinks lol.
I steer clear of drugs these days, even weed. But you better believe it, I love to drink.
Such a shameful thing for an addict to say, but I truly believe we all need something. Food, cigarettes, benzos, exercise - whatever. We all need a sort of crutch and / or outlet. As my Theo Tom used to say, 'Everdytheng in moderation!' *shakes finger*
Mental illness and drug addiction is very close to me. People very dear to me have fallen victim to it, and even more people that I let close to me have been affected by it. I don't think enough people understand it, I don't think enough people are aware of it or even know it's happening to them.
I'm with you on all counts but something that sickens me is how diagnoses are so easily stamped on peoples' heads like they're graded eggs. It's almost like nowadays, if you're not on some sort of head med, you're just a nobody. This almost discounts those of us with actual problems in need of professional treatment. Similar to emo punk ass cutters who do it for the 'art of attention.' /rant
Thanks for posting.