My most memorable tooth loss occurred on my last day of kindergarten at recess. We were all out on the playground and were playing some sort of game. The playground at the time had a bunch of equipment made of logs bolted together. I was sitting on top of one of these pieces when I slipped and fell. My body was thin enough to fit between two of the logs but my head was too big. I literally hanged myself. My mouth and nose were smashed against the log, but I could see over the top of the log. While I was dangling and hanging by my head I remember seeing my mortal enemy TJ running to get the teacher, and I still remember the look of sheer horror on my teachers face when TJ pointed me out to her. I remember her running over and pushing me up out of the contraption. The next thing I remember I was at my dentist. I guess I had also gone to the emergency room for X-rays but I don't remember any of that. I ended up getting all eight of my front teeth knocked out. On the bright side I got two bucks from the tooth fairy the next morning, which wasn't too bad for a five year old in 1985. My parents didn't sue the school district, I don't know if they had some sort of settlement or if my parents just accepted what happened. The kindergarten closed after that school year anyway and the playground equipment was dismantled after that.