Thanks for the responses guys. I've communicated with my partner a lot time and time again, he acknowledges what i say and says he'll try more. Conversation ends with me feeling we've finally made some progress, but before you know it things are back to the way they were. He always throws in my face that 'not all people are the same', and that just because 'statistically' we may be less sexually active than others, all that matters is that we're happy. I've told him that its him thats happy, not 'we'.
I feel the compromise is coming from my part, and he's told me that if i'm in the mood, then i should do something about it. The problem is when i do, he'll put his foot in his mouth and wreck it and it'll turn me off initiating ever again. I dont have freaky sex fetishes, i'd just like it to be more frequent and not boring.
Urgh, maybe i should just take up gardening or something!