Originally Posted by Xerxys
I saw an overhead(aerial) photo of a rescue helicopter in action over the sea. The picture was such high density that the helicopter literally looked frozen in mid air with no blurrs from it's rotors. So my question is, how fast do helicopter rotors spin and what are the chances of shooting a bullet through one of them?
Helicopter blades can go at up to 500 rotations per minute which is 8.3 per second. which compared to camera shutter speed is nothing. Fastest shutter speed on my cheap SLR is 1/ 4000th of a second and i'm sure you can get lens with faster shutter speeds then that. I also know that to get an image of a moving bullet frozen in space you have to use flash rather then shutter speed because shutter speeds just arnt fast enough. you can get flashes that give you an epic burst of light for a tiny tiny fraction of a second. While that doesnt answer the questions someone good at maths can probably make some deductions.