Originally Posted by Crompsin
Talking about my feelings has only earned me disdain and divorce.
Aaah, the paradox of being the in-touch-with-my-feelings guy.
I tried that approach a few times, I sure-as-shootin' won't do it again.
After all, TFP blogs are far more forgiving. And I can erase them.
I think my only mental health issue is that I'm tired of people justifying their complacency with them.
"I have daddy issues!" "I'm depressed!" "I was in a car accident!" "I'm not confident."
Okay, gnarly. There is help. Now, what are you doing to remedy the situation?
This is largely part of the reason I no longer want to be a therapist. It really sucks listening to the same sob story week after week with patients who will not do any work to even try to get better. I'd rather not waste my life and theirs in 60 minute increments.
Is it complacency, or is it being used as an excuse to act/react a certain way? I see a lot of people use their "issues" as a reason why they are this or that. While that might be true to a degree, there does come a time when you have to stop blaming your parents or your ex or whomever and deal with the cards you've been dealt. We all have options.