Originally Posted by LordEden
I consider my mental illness a weakness. Everyone can bash me on this, but it is how I feel about my head issues. I don't like admitting weakness to anyone and it takes me alot to open up to people about this. I do admit to telling a few tfpers about my issues, but not in a thread. I'll tell you about my sex life, personal life, or what my dreams are, but there are lines I won't cross.
Plus, I show my dick and ass for laughs. It's not a sexual thing for me, it's just another dick and fart joke to me.
Mental illness is not a weakness. It's a fact of life. Would you say that a man with a congenital heart defect is "weak"? No. There is little people can control about their own mental illness, due to the variety of factors that go into causing and creating it. What you do have control over is how you deal with your mental illness. For some people, yes, sharing is constructive. For others, not so much.
Personally, I think it's a shame that mental illness still has a taboo for some. My SO's grandmother, when she found out I was being treated for depression, asked me if people treated me differently when they found out I was a depressive. I laughed. No--why would they? The majority of people understand that it's not something I can control easily--it's a defect of my brain chemistry.
I do the best I can with it. I find sharing my story with others to be helpful in a variety of ways. I certainly don't see my depression as a weakness. Sometimes, I even see it as a strength because it helps me to relate to others with depression in a way that those who are depression-free will never, ever understand. I've seen the bottom, I know what it looks like, and it makes me more empathetic as a result.