Originally Posted by FuglyStick
I want a really big dick. Like hobbit big.
You should get it to glow too, I bet they can do that now. Then you will never need to turn the light on to take a piss in the middle of the night. Also, i'm sure it would cool for anal too.
"Baby, your butt hole is glowing!"
I've thought about this alot, but I don't know if I would ever go through with it. I often look in the mirror and wonder what I would change about myself. Most of the time the things I want to change, can't be done. They can't make me taller, which is about the only thing I would change. I'd never get hair implants or any of that metrosexual shit, so I'm going with no.
Does laser eye surgery count? I got that, but I don't consider that in the same ballpark.