I am losing, but I have yet to invest a dollar into the "industry", so just like my health and my mind, my team goes without insurance.
I think fantast football is my new toy, as this is still my sophomore season in playing, and the first season in which I drafted my own team. It doesn't help that I have the same record as the Raiders and Redskins (1-3), but at least I've scored over 330+ points in that span.
Fantasy footbal is weird: it has blown up in populairty over the past 4-5 years, and they market it heavily. I recall a time when I asked what the hell it was, and ESPN didn't have an answer for it. They shunned the practice for a few years, then realized what fools they had been in not tipping over a cash cow.
Now, I think since last year, I read a statistic that fantasy football is a $1.4 billion industry annually.
Also a good tidbit: fantasy football has skyrocketed in popularity as it has become easier to maintain and work via internet services, but a trivial fact i learned is that the practice of stat-keeping and "fantasy teams" is nearly 3 decades old.
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi