Im sorry, but there is no debate about hitler being extreme right wing. Of course, if you don't believe me go to your nearest neo-nazi rally and ask them what they consider themselves.
As far as Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao, if you reduce the whole gamut of political positions to a flat left-right line, sure they are on the left. But it would be a huge stretch to try to associate them with any relevant leftwing political party in the west in the last 20 years. Most, if not all, modern left parties are founded on the ideas of the sort of people that Stalin himself persecuted. Kautsky, Polanyi, Trostky, Otto Bauer, Anthony Giddens and Keynes, who are, to a greater or lesser degree the intellectual founding fathers of most current left parties, were also among the first to combat stalin, hitler, support the Hungarian uprising, and so on.
If will's idea of what happened is real, the link between this murder and positions defended by actual members of the republican party is direct and unequivocal. Stalin in this discussion is a red herring.
Last edited by dippin; 09-29-2009 at 11:41 AM..