Originally Posted by Raghnar -ITA-
I'm ashamed to say that, but:
My girlfriend is practically Sheldon itself (exluded for the geek video-games and tv-series component).
I've let her see the episode when Sheldon tried to make the friend in order to have access to the supercomputing capabilities.
Classic... especially how Sheldon is completely oblivious to the fact social interactions lie outside the realm of quantitative analysis (unless you're an Isaac Asimov/Hari Seldon/Foundation Series fan
My favourite is when his sister is leaving, and says to Sheldon how she always tells her friends how proud she is of her brother the rocket scientist. Sheldon reacts in shock, disgust, and disdain and says (to the effect): "I'm a theoretical physicist! Why don't you just tell them I'm a toll-taker on the Golden Gate Bridge!!"