I don't have a problem calling anything what it is. You conflated the Glenn Beck non-issue maniacally out of proportion and you're doing the same here with another isolated non-issue. This was one freakin incident! If a bear shits in the woods, is that a form of eco-terrorism against the insects and microbacteria crushed underneath? If a drunk slips and falls into a river and tumbles over a waterfall to his death is that corporate-distillery terrorism? If a cop tazes me for causing a public disturbance and I die of a heart attack, is that state terrorism? You call this an incident of "conservative terrorism"...now why is that? Why that exact phrase? Why not "lone crazed psychotic terrorism", or "southern inbred meth-head terrorism"? People here have given you multiple examples of criminal behavior carried out by avowed leftists but you either ignore it or patronize them into apathy (or at least a lack of further discussion). I thought it was the left who chuckled under their breath at the very idea of terrorism. Now all of the sudden Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, David Axelrod and the rest of the Dems currently in power are using the term terrorist and the leftwingers are suddenly embracing the concept of terrorism. Go figure!