Originally Posted by powerclown
Yeah, nevermind history. Of all the relevant current political issues to address, you pick this non-issue to kvetch about. That is unfortunate. The Conservative Chupacabra seems alive and well in your imagination, breeding out its minions to terrorize the land in a wave of Conservative Madness and Violence. But really, by projecting your fear and loathing (which I believe is a secondary projection originating in unresolved matters paternal) soley onto the conservative set - when any clear thinking person can see that both sides do crazy things on occasion - you exhibit a zealotry and paranoia that I find disquieting.
Will may be an alarmist, but there's no denying the fact that the GOP handlers have whipped their flock into a foaming at the mouth frenzy, and the nut cases are feeling getting more bold all the time.
And "unresolved paternal matters"? Really? You expect to be taken seriously with that crap?